Thursday, February 7, 2008


The CPR Seminar for Martial Artists and Fellowship almost did not push through last November 12, 2005 because of heavy rain but in the end, Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) volunteer instructor Teodoro Arellano made it to the Bacolod Aikido Enthusiasts (BAE) Dojo, Banava Rd., Villa Angela Subd., Bacolod City to teach basic cardio pulmonary resuscitation to 5 martial arts instructors, 12 students, and some observers.

The seminar was conducted with the sponsorship of Bacolod Aikido Enthusiasts Founder/Chief Instructor Maxwell “Max” J. Maun Sensei.

The fellowship practice was held before the CPR seminar. The various instructors gave demonstrations and insights on the various martial arts including aikido, Filipino saber and foil, Guarra style modern arnis, Lapu-Lapu Viñas arnis, mixed martial arts, Togle style modern arnis, and wild judo.

Instructors present were Maun Sensei (BAE), Grandmaster Estanislao “Eslao” T. Guarra (Guarra Style Modern Arnis and Self Defense Association), James U. Sy Jr. (Conceptual Martial Arts Society), Edwil J. Tusil (Fight Club Combat and Streetfighting Center), and Francis Stephen A. Diaz (CMAS/GSMASDA).

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